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Round with Rail Gliding

Latest news

Due to the strong position of the pound, Kraft Walkers are now 20% cheaper than they were in Spring 2014.


For all sale matters and product enquiries

If you would like information on our products, please use the
Kraft Enquiry Form

Please note that telephone and fax numbers for William Bedell have recently changed

We can arrange for clients to visit existing oval and round walker installations in the UK via appointment, before making your purchasing decision. For further details please contact William Bedell:

Tel: +44 (0) 1939 220667
Mobile: +44 (0) 7774 783247
Fax: +44 (0) 1939 220667

After Sales Service and Repairs Engineer for UK and Ireland
48 hour response time

Please contact:
Paul Cornwell, at Cornwell Contracting, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk

Tel: 07771 528862


Kraft videos
Our 8 x 16m oval water walkers "in action" in Germany; its installation was completed in August 2011.
Watch the latest clip on the Kraft YouTube Channel

Watch videos demonstrating the products on the Kraft website.

Link to Kraft video page

Two new videos are also available. The first features the Oval walker, installed at the Spanish Riding School of Vienna, and the second is from the USA.

Horse Weigh
Horse Weigh is a company that provides a range of horse weighing platforms. It is also the exclusive UK and Ireland distributor for Kraft Horse Walkers.

Lunging/Riding Hall


The new Riding Hall was built for Longholes Stud during Autumn 2014 for their yearlings.


Riding Hall at Longholes Stud

(Click on the photograph for a larger version)





The new riding hall in Newmarket showing the lovely hard wood fence.

(Click on the photograph for a larger version)




Kraft Horse Walkers Copyright ©2003